Do you think you’re a masochist?

Not at all. I don’t torture myself for the sake of suffering. My goal is to have really powerful connections to the earth. I like to spend a really long time out in nature; the longer I’m out there, the more like an animal I am, the more energy I get from the earth. The longer I’m out there, it takes me further toward an uncomfortable spot. Definitely, there are moments of suffering, but there’s a transformation that happens in the midst of suffering where it turns into acceptance. You can take those moments to try to learn more about yourself. I’m drawn to ultras as a deep way to connect to nature and to my innermost self, to see if I can turn those hard times into powerful uplifting times. I don’t think, wow did I suffer. I think, I persevered and look at the man I’m becoming. I do ultras to be the best possible version of myself. Overcoming difficulties in an ultra helps me be more compassionate as a father and a husband. Instead of being an asshole when things are difficult, I try love instead of anger. It helps me a lot in life.

Moc hezky to řekl Timothy Olson. Mluví mi z duše. Moje noha to bohužel vnímá jinak, ta únavová zlomenina je od ní nefér.

3 thoughts on “Do you think you’re a masochist?

  1. Král Šumavy

    Actually, I somewhat disagree with the following statement:

    „Overcoming difficulties in an ultra helps me be more compassionate as a father and a husband. Instead of being an asshole when things are difficult, I try love instead of anger. It helps me a lot in life.“

    I do not mind being an a-hole from time to time…. It adds flavor and diversity to my children’s life and prepares them for times, when i can no longer be there protecting them. Just a little bit of hardening…. And – most importantly, I do not have to run ultra! Muhehehehe!

  2. Magda

    I have to run ultra, because I must get on with an exact copy of my younger brother.
    Everybody, who knows my son and my brother understands me.

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